Integrating annotations


Teaching: 30 min
Exercises: 30 min

Now it is time to compare the model search with that of the invidual proteins. We will load the HHblits results from the “single” and “cluster” search in R and then join the tables to see the differences.

Our anotation files (for both “single” and “cluster/msa”) only contain information for a protein when there actually was a match found. However, we are also interested in all the proteins that didn’t get annotated either way. Hence we will first grep those from the proteins.faa file. Being in the day3 folder the command can look like this:

grep "^>" prodigal_default/proteins.faa | cut -f 2 -d ">" | cut -f 1 -d " " > all_prodigal_genes.txt

And then you can use R code like this to look at the differences and similarities, again change the file paths.


# Load all the proteins we have
all.proteins <- read.table('all_prodigal_genes.txt') %>% pull(V1)

# First load the original annotation
single.anno <- read.table('hhsearch_results.txt', comment.char = '', sep = '\t', header = T, na.strings = "")

# Load the cluster anno too
cluster.anno <- read.table('msa_hhsearch_results.txt', comment.char = '', sep = '\t', header = T, na.strings = "")

# Now lets clean the tables a bit
single.anno <- single.anno %>% select(protein = query, target, annot, category)
cluster.anno <- cluster.anno %>% select(protein = member, target, annot, category, cluster.ref = reference)

# Change datatype
single.anno$annot <- as.character(single.anno$annot)
cluster.anno$annot <- as.character(cluster.anno$annot)

# Join them
res <- cluster.anno %>%
  filter(grepl('bin_', protein)) %>%
  left_join(single.anno, by = 'protein', suffix = c('cluster', 'single')) %>%
  mutate(protein = as.vector(protein))

# Cluster search found things that were not found by single
cluster.better <- res %>% filter( & !

# Both did find a result but it's an "unknown function"
both.uknowns <- res %>% filter( &

# Different annotation
dif.annot <- res %>%
  filter(! & %>%
  filter(annotsingle != annotcluster)

# Consensus annotation
conc.annot <- res %>%
  mutate(annot = case_when( & ! ~ annotcluster, & ! ~ annotsingle,
    ! & ! ~ annotsingle,
    TRUE ~ 'NA'

# What did we actually annotate (including unknown)
annotated.proteins <- conc.annot %>% filter(! %>% pull(protein)

# You might have noticed that this only includes clusters that
# were actually mapped to a PHROG annotation (even though that might be "unknown")
# in either the single protein search or cluster search, but it does not include
# proteins that did not get any hit for both searches. To get all proteins
# that were not annotated at all we get the difference between `all_proteins`
# and annotated.proteins
not.annotated <- setdiff(all.proteins, annotated.proteins)

We will now only look at the “annot” columns, so annotsingle and annotcluster. Use View to view several of the dataframes we created with the above code, such as the both.unknowns and not.annotated.

Compare annotations

  • Was our profile search approach able to annotate proteins that, using the single search, remained unannotated? If so how many?
  • How many proteins didn’t get annotated in both the single and cluster search?

Key Points