Viromics Workshop

Welcome to the Virus discovery by metagenomics: assembly, identification, annotation workshop, included in the series of courses by the ITN ViroInf.


Setup Download files required for the lesson
Day 1 09:00 1. Welcome Who is sitting next to me?
What are we going to do in this workshop?
10:00 2. Listen to Assembly lecture
10:45 3. The dataset What is metagenomics?
What do we call viral dark matter?
Where does the dataset come from?
What format is the sequencing data?
11:05 4. Metavirome assembly What is a sequence assembly?
How is different a cross-assembly from a normal assembly?
12:05 5. Lunch break
13:00 6. Visualizing the assembly graph How the k-mer size contributes to the conectivity of the graph?
Are related species connected in the graph?
13:50 7. Assessing assemblies quality Which assembly contains longer contigs?
Which assembly best represents the raw data (sequencing reads)?
14:30 8. Binning contigs How many bins do we obtain?
15:45 Finish
Day 2 09:00 9. Setup and run DeepVirFinder Why do we use different environments for different tools?
How do we run DeepVirFinder?
09:30 10. Listen to Virus Detection lecture
10:30 11. Setup and run PPR-Meta How do we install and run PPR-Meta?
How are PPR-Meta and DeepVirFinder different?
11:00 12. Setup and Run VirFinder How do we run VirFinder and how is it different from the other tools?
11:30 13. Comparing Virus Identification Tools How can we compare the results of different virus identification tools?
Which tool finds more phages?
Why would the tools disagree?
12:00 14. Setup and run VirSorter How do we install and run VirSorter?
How is VirSorter different than the previous tools?
12:30 15. Lunch Break What is the tastiest food we can find in the vicinity?
13:20 16. Compare Results for four tools How different are the predictions of the tools per contig?
How sensitive are the different tools we used?
15:20 17. Prophage Prediction How is prophage prediction similar/different from free virus prediction?
How do I find detailed information about my results in several output folders?
16:00 18. Listen to Benchmarking lecture
17:00 Finish
Day 3 09:00 19. Introduction and setting up
09:15 20. Gene prediction
10:00 21. Prodigal modes
11:00 22. Functional annotation
12:00 23. Lunch break
12:50 24. Clustering proteins
13:50 25. Integrating annotations
14:50 26. Inspecting the MSAs
15:30 Finish
Day 4 09:00 27. Install R package
09:10 28. Clustering and taxonomic classification of uncultivated viral genomes What are we going to do today?
09:25 29. Required data
09:35 30. Homology based search If we classify our viral sequences with Blast, in which cases do you expect that blast sequence searches result in good hits? What would you do if your sequence hit different viral (or bacterial) sequences with low coverage of your query sequence, or low sequence identity with the hit?
10:05 31. Clustering viral sequences based on shared proteins Can we cluster viral sequences based on shared protein clusters?
11:05 32. Installing and running Vcontact2 How do we install and run Vcontact2?
11:35 33. Lunch break
12:25 34. Check Vcontact2 Did we successfully run Vcontact2?
12:35 35. Phylogeny based on marker genes Can we use marker genes to infer phylogeny and taxonomy?
13:35 36. Gene sharing networks with Vcontact2 Can we assign a genus-level taxonomic annotations with vContact2?
Do contigs from the same bin cluster together?
How do the vContact2 results compare to other methods we used?
15:05 37. Assessing viral contigs completeness and contamination Which signals can we use to assess how complete and/or contaminated is our viral contig?
15:35 Finish
Day 5 09:00 38. Track alpha and beta diversity dynamics of viral/microbial communities What is compositional data?
How to do compositional data analysis?
What is Hill Number?
11:00 39. Rstudio set up from Conda environment, package installment and data download
11:30 40. Exploring data What are the differences between absulte abundance and relative abundance?
Why is it necessary to filter out low-abundance features?
12:30 41. Break
13:30 42. Alpha diversity What is alpha diversity?
What common alpha diversity indices are there?
How to compare alpha diversity between samples?
15:00 43. Beta diversity What is beta diversity?
How to compare beta diversity between samples?
15:30 44. Differential abundance Which features vary in abundance with categorical variables?
16:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.