Throughout the course, we will use python to analyze our data and visualize the results. Python can be run from a virtual environment, which is a directory containing a python executable, python packages and script to activate and deactivate the environment within a bash session. Activating the environment will tell your terminal session to use the python binary and packages located within it. This is a convenient way to define a fixed set of dependencies and their version for your code to be run on other systems, which might have a different version of python installed.
Set up the virtual environment
You will use such an environment on draco. To set it up, you can use the following script:
# Use python3.9 on draco to create a virtual environment
$ python3.9 -m venv path/to/your/py3env
# activate the environment
$ source path/to/your/py3env/bin/activate
# update pip
$ pip install --upgrade pip
Add packages to an existing virtual environment
To add a package to an existing environment, you activate it again and use pip to install it:
# activate the environment
$ source path/to/your/py3env/bin/activate
# install package
$ pip install your_package
# install multiple packages
$ pip install package1 package2
Use a virtual environment
You can use the virtual environment by sourcing it in a bash script. All subsequent python commands will
use the python binary and packages from the environment until you call deactivate
# activate the environment
$ source path/to/your/py3env/bin/activate
# run your python script, potentially with parameters
$ python your_script.py param1 param2
# deactivate the environment
$ deactivate